I’ve seen plenty of difficulty mods for Fallout 4 and tried out a couple of them for my playthrough. When you see a sentry bot with a minigun in one hand and a missile launcher in another you don’t want to exchange fire, you want it destroyed immediately. This of course also means that while it might become easier for you to kill enemies, an enemy wielding a high caliber weapon will also be more dangerous to you. High rate of fire doesn’t magically decrease per bullet energy delivered to target. An upgraded pipe pistol won’t be ever able to outperform a minigun in per bullet damage. This stuff can punch through brick walls, concrete blocks and 1 inch or hardened steel. An upgraded small caliber pistol won’t be able to compete with anti-materiel rifle loaded with. These changes won’t ensure that all weapons are a viable option for the whole duration of the game. If you find some of these values out of place from gameplay perspective, keep in mind that this mod’s main focus is on immersion. with a single exception, barrel length impact on bullet velocity was ignored.

The estimated damage values are not some arbitrary numbers that might looks nice, instead they have all been calculated based on real life values for ammunition weight, muzzle velocities and muzzle energy.

The purpose of this mod is to put some logic in weapon damage. Damage of all weapons scaled using real life bullet muzzle energy value for ballistic weapons, kiloton (TNT equivalent) value for explosives and energy output (Wattage) for energy weapons.